More fuel added to the Google rumors!
The big rumor that has recently been making the rounds is that Google is secretly working on Google Me... a full fledged contender for the Facebook market!
While there is virtually nothing official on record for this project, many have confirmed that it does exist and Google does have something along this line in the works!
This does make sense (after all who wouldn't want to be Facebook these days), but unlike other Google endeavors, Google has not been all that successful in the past in this realm. Buzz - started out as a privacy nightmare and Orkut (while successful in South America) never really took off globally.
It is also rumored that they are modeling it after Facebook! They have tried "different" models, but why reinvent the wheel?
I am curious to see what it looks like and am anxiously awaiting it's release!
That's all for now! Keep your eyes peeled!
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