Hello all ~
I really try to make this blog about social media and not about us, but when I received this phone call yesterday, I had to share it! It really brought a warm feeling to my heart.
One of "my" clients (I personally work this account) called to thank me for saving her business! I was really thrown for a loop when I heard the sincerity in her voice. I tried to joke it off and told her that only she could "save" her business and that by simply taking action (hiring me) she was the one who received full credit for her success! She stopped me, mid sentence, and said - NO! She wanted me to know how grateful she was to have us on her team! Again, I was wowed! It is not often that I hear this. People do acknowledge my efforts, but rarely with this kind of zeal. She (and she will know who she is - MADE MY DAY).
This is a woman who I met on one of my many trips to S. California (I, the author of this blog, live and work in Colorado). We were at the same event and we just started chatting. I asked her what she did for a living and she told me that she designed and made children's clothing (mostly for friends and friends of friends). She is a mother of three and really needed the extra income that this business provided and wished that she could do it more. I, being who I am and not being able to help myself, asked her how she "marketed" herself? She told me that since she was a small company, she used primarily "word of mouth". She had tried to put an ad in a children's magazine, but it was costly and didn't really yield her much. I then steered the conversation towards social media and the viral effect it can have. By the end of our discussion, she was "sold" and ready to give it a try.
Well, 9 months later she has more orders than she can fill (this is a good problem to have), is being looked at by a very large retailer, and has the security of knowing that she CAN DO THIS on her own.
She is "the proverbial little guy" who is competing with... no dare I say out selling some of the established companies in her area! All because she took a proactive approach and embraced the changing times! Great job!
This is the power of the social media people! Sure it takes effort, (more than just placing an ad and hoping people will respond or even see it)but if done correctly and consistently, it will work!
This is it for today! I need to get to "work"
Paparazzi Marketing = Social Media Marketing
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Twitter - Is it worth your time?
I can't believe how often I hear the word Twitter throughout my day anymore; from restaurants to CNN news media, they all want me to "follow them" on Twitter. I can't complain, as I too want the same thing, but how worth our time is this growing trend?
If used effectively, it can be a phenomenal tool. But anymore, I feel that I am "tweeted out". Too many people selling too many things all at once. I get pseudo - exhausted every time I log on. So what is the solution?
I would recommend using Tweetdeck! Why throw out the baby with the bathwater? Very important or useful tweets can get lost under all of the "noise" that is out there. Tweetdeck allows you to effectively screen out the people and noise that you don't want to hear on an hourly basis. It can help you sort through all of your stuff. For example, it will put business contacts into one box, friends into another, news stories into another, etc... .
Really, I don't know if I could go on using Twitter without some way of "managing" all of the information that is thrown at me simultaneously. Do I really need to know that my 17 year old niece just painted her toes Steele blue while I am at the office? Yes, at some point, after the day is done and I am sipping my 2ND glass of vino, I may care. But not now!
Bottom line, like any other form of social media - use it WISELY and it will become a great "tool" in your tool belt!
That is it for now.... time to get to work!
Social Media Marketing = Paparazzi Marketing
If used effectively, it can be a phenomenal tool. But anymore, I feel that I am "tweeted out". Too many people selling too many things all at once. I get pseudo - exhausted every time I log on. So what is the solution?
I would recommend using Tweetdeck! Why throw out the baby with the bathwater? Very important or useful tweets can get lost under all of the "noise" that is out there. Tweetdeck allows you to effectively screen out the people and noise that you don't want to hear on an hourly basis. It can help you sort through all of your stuff. For example, it will put business contacts into one box, friends into another, news stories into another, etc... .
Really, I don't know if I could go on using Twitter without some way of "managing" all of the information that is thrown at me simultaneously. Do I really need to know that my 17 year old niece just painted her toes Steele blue while I am at the office? Yes, at some point, after the day is done and I am sipping my 2ND glass of vino, I may care. But not now!
Bottom line, like any other form of social media - use it WISELY and it will become a great "tool" in your tool belt!
That is it for now.... time to get to work!
Social Media Marketing = Paparazzi Marketing
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Social Media Pitfalls - Can it be done "wrong"?
Hello again,
Just some quick thoughts on what "not" to do when creating a social media campaign.
#1- Lose interest in your page, blogs, tweets, etc..., due to perceived low fan interest! Starting a campaign is easy, keeping it up - takes dedication and determination. You would never open an ice cream shoppe and close it two weeks later because you have had only eight customers! It takes time to develop relationships and a following. Stick with it!
#2- I am going to quote Dan Chambers and say, "it is hard to shake some one's hand when you are reaching for their wallet". Don't be greedy! Of course you want to make money through your social media efforts! But this takes time. Listen, engage, and be helpful! Connect with people on a personal level and they WILL do business with you. If all you do is spout off in your tweets/posts/blogs about "specials" or "coupons"... you will be un- followed.
#3- Instant Marriage! It is great that you have started this - full of zeal, but lay off. Take things slow. Get to know people who are willing to connect with you and your brand! Don't immediately start asking them to "buy" or refer everyone they know. This is a turn off!
#4- Stay humble - Rock Star! Once you have "made it", don't think that your work is done! In order to "keep it", you need to continue to do all of the same things (and more) that got you to this point!
That's it for now! I have to get back to "work".
Just some quick thoughts on what "not" to do when creating a social media campaign.
#1- Lose interest in your page, blogs, tweets, etc..., due to perceived low fan interest! Starting a campaign is easy, keeping it up - takes dedication and determination. You would never open an ice cream shoppe and close it two weeks later because you have had only eight customers! It takes time to develop relationships and a following. Stick with it!
#2- I am going to quote Dan Chambers and say, "it is hard to shake some one's hand when you are reaching for their wallet". Don't be greedy! Of course you want to make money through your social media efforts! But this takes time. Listen, engage, and be helpful! Connect with people on a personal level and they WILL do business with you. If all you do is spout off in your tweets/posts/blogs about "specials" or "coupons"... you will be un- followed.
#3- Instant Marriage! It is great that you have started this - full of zeal, but lay off. Take things slow. Get to know people who are willing to connect with you and your brand! Don't immediately start asking them to "buy" or refer everyone they know. This is a turn off!
#4- Stay humble - Rock Star! Once you have "made it", don't think that your work is done! In order to "keep it", you need to continue to do all of the same things (and more) that got you to this point!
That's it for now! I have to get back to "work".
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Community Leads Groups
Hi again. Today's topic is "leads groups". Do you own a small business? Is it a brick and mortar business or a "work from home" business? Are you getting the foot traffic that you dreamed of when you started? If so, would you like more? If the answer is yes, then this is the blog for you!
As one of the founders of Paparazzi Marketing, I have found that doing community based events "leads groups" have been a very effective tool when doing grass roots type marketing. It is a simple, low cost way to allow people in your community/neighborhood to learn more about you, what you do, and why they should do business with you.
One of the questions that I have heard many times is "how do I get one of these together?". The answer to this is simple. Just make it happen! Sure it takes time, it takes a little effort, and it takes dedication, but the pay off is great!
People want to do business, refer business, and be a part of something that they know! All you need to do it give them the opportunity to get to know you!
Here are some simple steps to get one together -
#1- Find a host location. This is the easy part. Find a local restaurant that is willing to showcase their fare (free of charge) to 20 or so local residents/business owners in exchange for the exposure to their community. A new customer walking in this host's front door is worth approximately $100.00 annually. If you multiply that times 20, this is $2000.00 spread out over the next year that this host can expect in return for it's hospitality. Who wouldn't want this?
#2- Print out a flyer that spells out what you are trying to do. Give the time, give the location, talk to your audience about the WIIFM (what's in it for me) factor. Let them know that they are going to have an opportunity to share with 20 potential new customers what they can do for them in a controlled and open environment.
#3- Take it to the streets! Now that you have your host facility, your flyers, and your enthusiasm, go out and "sell it". Walk around the streets of your town and get folks interested. Finding 20 people who want to attract new business (free of charge) is not that difficult.
And whaaaalahhh... you have put together a "leads group". You can limit the time that each person gets to "sell" or talk about themselves to 5 minutes and take 10 for yourself! You now have an opportunity to pitch to 20 prospective clients in a win/win environment and it has cost you NO money.
Ok folks, this is it for today! I hope that you have enjoyed today's topic! KGill
As one of the founders of Paparazzi Marketing, I have found that doing community based events "leads groups" have been a very effective tool when doing grass roots type marketing. It is a simple, low cost way to allow people in your community/neighborhood to learn more about you, what you do, and why they should do business with you.
One of the questions that I have heard many times is "how do I get one of these together?". The answer to this is simple. Just make it happen! Sure it takes time, it takes a little effort, and it takes dedication, but the pay off is great!
People want to do business, refer business, and be a part of something that they know! All you need to do it give them the opportunity to get to know you!
Here are some simple steps to get one together -
#1- Find a host location. This is the easy part. Find a local restaurant that is willing to showcase their fare (free of charge) to 20 or so local residents/business owners in exchange for the exposure to their community. A new customer walking in this host's front door is worth approximately $100.00 annually. If you multiply that times 20, this is $2000.00 spread out over the next year that this host can expect in return for it's hospitality. Who wouldn't want this?
#2- Print out a flyer that spells out what you are trying to do. Give the time, give the location, talk to your audience about the WIIFM (what's in it for me) factor. Let them know that they are going to have an opportunity to share with 20 potential new customers what they can do for them in a controlled and open environment.
#3- Take it to the streets! Now that you have your host facility, your flyers, and your enthusiasm, go out and "sell it". Walk around the streets of your town and get folks interested. Finding 20 people who want to attract new business (free of charge) is not that difficult.
And whaaaalahhh... you have put together a "leads group". You can limit the time that each person gets to "sell" or talk about themselves to 5 minutes and take 10 for yourself! You now have an opportunity to pitch to 20 prospective clients in a win/win environment and it has cost you NO money.
Ok folks, this is it for today! I hope that you have enjoyed today's topic! KGill
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Warren Buffet's 10 Rules For Getting Rich!
I was sitting in a Jimmy John's sandwich shop this afternoon, which by the way was excellent! They boast to have the "World's Greatest Gourmet Sandwiches". I don't know if it was the greatest sandwich I have ever had, but I have to admit, it was pretty darned good! Anyway, I looked up on the wall and posted there, for all to see, were Warren Buffet's 10 Rules. I read through them, as my choices were read or talk to Tom (my husband), and was amazed at how true they rung for me! So, having just started this blog, I thought that I would share them with you as well.
Rule number 1- Reinvest your Profits! This makes sense. As a business owner, you may be tempted to "splurge" when you finally move from the red into that heavenly black, but you are really cheating yourself out of the opportunity to grow your business into the powerhouse you once dreamed it could be!
Rule number 2- Be willing to be different. Warren Buffet didn't make his fortune by "following the crowd".
Rule number 3- Never suck your thumb! :) This makes me smile. What this means is that once you have made a decision... move on it!
Rule number 4- Spell out the deal in advance. Your bargaining power is never stronger than it is before you are committed.
Rule number 5- Watch Small Expenses. For me this is huge! In both my professional and personal lives! I can nickle and dime myself to death!
Rule number 6- Limit what you borrow! Remain debt free at all costs!
Rule number 7- Be persistent! This is the advantage that the small entrepreneur has over it's larger and more established competitors. Persistence and ingenuity can, and often does, win against even the largest of odds! There are about 4 different accounts that I would love to (for fun) have as my own. I need to close them! I can and will by just doing all of the right things and doing them often!
Rule number 8- Know when to quit! Don't throw good money after bad! Resist the temptation to salvage a last minute bad deal with a "home run".
Rule number 9- Assess the Risk! Look at both the best and worst case scenario carefully! Move forward from there.
Rule number 10- This is my favorite.... Know what success means! For me, and many others, success isn't only measured in dollars! There are many factors that go into the term success. Am I making a living... sure! But am I respected? Am I liked? Am I loved by those who matter?
OK... this is it for now. I hope you enjoy these "rules" as much as I did!
Rule number 1- Reinvest your Profits! This makes sense. As a business owner, you may be tempted to "splurge" when you finally move from the red into that heavenly black, but you are really cheating yourself out of the opportunity to grow your business into the powerhouse you once dreamed it could be!
Rule number 2- Be willing to be different. Warren Buffet didn't make his fortune by "following the crowd".
Rule number 3- Never suck your thumb! :) This makes me smile. What this means is that once you have made a decision... move on it!
Rule number 4- Spell out the deal in advance. Your bargaining power is never stronger than it is before you are committed.
Rule number 5- Watch Small Expenses. For me this is huge! In both my professional and personal lives! I can nickle and dime myself to death!
Rule number 6- Limit what you borrow! Remain debt free at all costs!
Rule number 7- Be persistent! This is the advantage that the small entrepreneur has over it's larger and more established competitors. Persistence and ingenuity can, and often does, win against even the largest of odds! There are about 4 different accounts that I would love to (for fun) have as my own. I need to close them! I can and will by just doing all of the right things and doing them often!
Rule number 8- Know when to quit! Don't throw good money after bad! Resist the temptation to salvage a last minute bad deal with a "home run".
Rule number 9- Assess the Risk! Look at both the best and worst case scenario carefully! Move forward from there.
Rule number 10- This is my favorite.... Know what success means! For me, and many others, success isn't only measured in dollars! There are many factors that go into the term success. Am I making a living... sure! But am I respected? Am I liked? Am I loved by those who matter?
OK... this is it for now. I hope you enjoy these "rules" as much as I did!
Friday, April 23, 2010
Innovation For The Small Business
What is innovation? Is it doing something that has not been done before? Is it doing something that is common, but doing it in a new and unique way? Who are the best innovators of 2010? The answer is you! It is me! It is everyone who wakes up everyday determined to make life/business/the world a better place. It is he/or she who keeps on moving, although they often have no idea where they are going.
In business, I ask myself, how do those that are considered "innovative" become that way? Especially when you are 'running' a business! Who has the time for innovation? Who has the money or resources to be innovative? Again, it is you! It is me!
One way we can be foster innovation in our business/world is to talk with our customers or end users. This doesn't take alot of time or cost alot of money, but it is extremely effective for all of it's simplicity! Are you happy with my restaurant? What about the menu? What would you take off? What would you leave on? How about the pricing? Is it fair? If this was your restaurant, what would you do to make it thrive? If you take the time to ask, you will be surprised at the amount of phenomenal ideas and feedback that come your way!
Another way, is to empower your employees to look at your business from a growth/innovation standpoint, regardless of what "title" they hold, and ask them to point out problems along with suggestions for solutions. They are living and breathing this business from the ground up. Who better to ask? But... when you ask, be prepared for the answers. Foster an environment of respect and trust so that you get the whole picture, not just the rosy one that you want to see! Once your team realizes that you are 'open to all' feedback and 'value all suggestions', you will be amazed at the end result!
That is it for now... these are my thoughts for this afternoon. Enjoy!
In business, I ask myself, how do those that are considered "innovative" become that way? Especially when you are 'running' a business! Who has the time for innovation? Who has the money or resources to be innovative? Again, it is you! It is me!
One way we can be foster innovation in our business/world is to talk with our customers or end users. This doesn't take alot of time or cost alot of money, but it is extremely effective for all of it's simplicity! Are you happy with my restaurant? What about the menu? What would you take off? What would you leave on? How about the pricing? Is it fair? If this was your restaurant, what would you do to make it thrive? If you take the time to ask, you will be surprised at the amount of phenomenal ideas and feedback that come your way!
Another way, is to empower your employees to look at your business from a growth/innovation standpoint, regardless of what "title" they hold, and ask them to point out problems along with suggestions for solutions. They are living and breathing this business from the ground up. Who better to ask? But... when you ask, be prepared for the answers. Foster an environment of respect and trust so that you get the whole picture, not just the rosy one that you want to see! Once your team realizes that you are 'open to all' feedback and 'value all suggestions', you will be amazed at the end result!
That is it for now... these are my thoughts for this afternoon. Enjoy!
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